December 15, 2021 - Advent Week 3



 Liam and Raewyn, Countdown grocery store cashier, chatting after healing prayer! 

I think reading today’s scriptures there’s so much richness in it that I’d love to touch on, but for the sake of not rambling on too long I’ll just talk about one of my thoughts. 

By knowing who God is and receiving the things Jesus has done, it makes walking in obedience accessible and not out of reach when we hear Him speak. 

The Lord is so merciful and so gracious. No matter how much we mess up, He still calls us to Himself. I mean if you look at Israel, time and time again they walked away from God and continued to break covenant with Him. In Isaiah 9 it says that they were led astray and stopped seeking after the Lord refusing to return to Him. Yet we know the end of the story! “God will redeem me from the realm of the dead; he will surely take me to himself.” (Psalm 49.15) As we look forward to Advent and Christmas time, we know that Jesus comes as a REDEEMER. And He can only do that because He gave up His position in the Heavenlies to come to us as a man. He came in the most vulnerable way - “who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death - even death on a cross” (Philippians 2.6-8). 

See Jesus knew who God was; he knew his loving Father, and he knew he was called to bring us back into oneness with the Father, sacrificing himself to make up where we lacked in the covenant. Jesus walked out in obedience to the will of his Father when he heard him speak. Wrath and love were to be reconciled on the cross. 

If I look at my own life, by seeing God’s faithfulness, I know when I step out in obedience, he won’t let me fall short. 

The past few months I have been leading an outreach team of young adults all around New Zealand. Every morning we would pray to hear the word of the Lord for that day, and step out in faith knowing God would show up. One example specifically was in a town called Whakatāne (pronounced faka-tah-neigh). That morning the Lord spoke about healing and Matthew 9.23 - which says “everything is possible for one who believes”. It was my turn to cook dinner with one of the students, Liam, and we had to run to the grocery store before cooking. While at the check out we got in conversation with the cashier and she mentioned how masks are the worst for those who have to rely on lip reading to get by. We found out that she was industrially deaf. Conversation kept moving on, and I felt that still small voice of Holy Spirit reminding me of the words we had got in prayer at the beginning of the day. We then told the woman that we’ve seen Jesus heal before and he could do it again right now, then we asked if we could pray for her. “I’ll try anything was her response!” The Lord says anything is possible for those who believe, and we all believed his words so we stepped out in obedience! And even though people were lining up at the register behind us, that didn’t stop any of us. Liam prayed a couple times, and when we went back to hear how she was. She said it was bliss! The constant ringing that was there before was completely gone. There was such hope in her eyes and we said “THATS JESUS!”

We know who God is; He’s healer, he’s faithful, he’s a man of his word. And we receive the things Jesus has done; coming to earth as a man to sacrifice himself and redeem all the brokenness of humanity. So by hearing his voice, we walked out in obedience and saw him show up!


- Joelle Wills



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