December 1, 2021 - Advent Week 1
Once again the cycle of the year rolls back to Advent. Each cycle has its beauty and trials. Advent is from the Latin Adventus meaning a coming or arrival. What in your life is coming or arriving in your life to make your life different? I always think of the advent of spring and waiting for the arrival of the flowers, warmer weather, longer days and new life. Advent is when Christians await the arrival of our King. How are we preparing for the arrival of Christ? In your home getting ready for a guest to arrive takes time and preparation so all will go well when the guest arrives. For me getting the house clean and ready, spending time thinking about what will make my guest comfortable and welcome. How will the house be decorated, how will I dress, will everything be ready when my guest arrives?
Today’s scripture from Amos 3:12-4:5 tells of how the Israelites were far from ready from being what God wanted them to be. They kept sinning and wanting to continue in their ways. My life at times feels the same, I want to be the best for God but all the distractions of the world draw me away from being the best for God. The idols of my life include my identity when I don’t always trust in God to take care of all my needs or the idolatry of independence where I am able to look after myself forgetting about all the talents the Lord has blessed me with. Don’t get me wrong, God provides us with abilities to do things but I want to be self sufficient putting too much trust in myself and not in God. As I have a new smartphone, I see that I spend more time playing games, trying to organize my life on the calendar and pay attention to all the texts or emails, when I should be more attuned to Jesus. Psalm 14 also states that The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who understand, any who seek God. All have turned away, all have become corrupt; there is no one who does good, not even one. What can we do to prepare our hearts to be what God intended us to be?
In the gospel reading from Matthew 21: 23-32, the unwillingness for the chief priests to admit to Jesus where he comes from. Sometimes I find myself with the same attitude as the chief priests and elders, do I admit to myself and others my belief and faith in Christ. The attitude of protecting my true feelings and expressing them is sometimes my escape from being forthright about Jesus, as others may think I am wrong, presumptuous or crazy. Jesus asks us to be honest with him and ourselves so we may grow more fully in his love. We need to risk things for Jesus so He knows we stand with Him making the decision to put Jesus first in our lives. I take comfort that Jesus waits for our answer when we sometime give him lip service failing to follow through as the sons do in the Gospel lesson, while at other times we come freely after refusing to comply.
As we prepare for Christ in our life, take time to pray, wait actively in patience and make Him Lord in your life. Sweep the debris out of your life, clean up the things that put Jesus out of focus. Day by Day prepare a place in your heart where he will shine His light in you illuminating him as King and Saviour of the world, Emmanuel GOD WITH US.
Make room In your heart to receive him and tell His story through you.
Peace be with you all,
Greg Young